
Showing posts from June, 2009

Dangers of Stating the Obvious

My dad took our family out to dinner at a restaurant in celebration of C's recent 6 th birthday. It's a fun, much anticipated, tradition my dad started to take the whole family to out to dinner to a place selected by the Birthday person. T (age 9) ordered a Hot Chocolate. When the waitress brought it out, she politely said, "OK, here's your Hot Chocolate...careful it's Hot." Taren responded matter-of- factly --and not too quietly--with an obvious tone of 'duh' (including the lazy eyes and head shake), "Why do you think they call it 'Hot Chocolate'?"

Happy Birthday #5!

Baby C aka #5 was born 6 years ago today. Our 5th boy, he fit right in with the rest of us! Ever since he was tiny he has loved trains. #5 has a great smile... and can be a real sweetie too. He also has his share (or more) of mischief. We love you #5! Happy Birthday!

Signs Seen Through Town

T (age 9) noticed a sign as we drove to a picnic event in another town. "Who would want to buy fleas?" He asked, puzzled.