
Showing posts from April, 2011

Some almost forgotten gems...

B asked me recently if I would buy her a pink " loolyhoop ". I wish that is what hula hoops were really called! I have a tendency to dance around the house if there is music on. We have a backyardigans CD that we got for Miss B, and it was playing. I danced into the kitchen where our 12 year old son S was sweeping. He was staring at the floor looking upset so I asked him what was wrong, and he said he was embarrassed at the way I danced. I had a momentary feeling of triumph at being able to embarrass my kid from the safety of my own home. Then, a few days later, the same CD was playing and I walked by the kitchen to see that same 12 year old dancing his way across the kitchen. He didn't even realize he was doing it until I pointed it out to him. We bought a new computer chair a few months ago, and the boys took the box it came in and made it into their own amusement park ride. One would get inside and the others would roll or spin the box around and give him a ride. I go...

Just close your eyes and pretend you are sleeping!

A few days ago, Miss B started pretending to be asleep whenever she gets into trouble. The first time she was laying down pretending, but now she just closes her eyes and stands really still. After a second she will open one eye and look to see if her ploy is working on whoever she is in trouble with, and if it isn't, she closes her eyes again. It's really cute.

A musical prayer...

It was Miss B's turn to say family prayer tonight (she is almost three). D helped her, only instead of just repeating what he said, she sang it back. "Thank thee for today-ay-ay." "Please help us do what's Ri-i-ight." "Help us to be sa-a-afe." I admit that I peeked. Not only was she singing the prayer, she had one hand on her hip and was dancing to o.