Odd Spring Break

For me spring means brighter days, warmer weather, and reviving life. Already we've seen crocus blooms and daffodils. The sun play longer. The grass is ready to mow. The trees' leaves are beginning to show.

This past week was the much anticipated Spring Break. However, the Spring part of Spring Break seemed to elude us...


What comes to mind when you think of Spring?

#1 (11): Easter
#2 (10): Flowers
#3 (8): Boiyiong
#4 (6): Spring Suit Mario
#5 (4): Spring Vacation

What did you do to celebrate Spring during Spring Break?

#1: I played in the snow
#2: I played the Wii
#3: Play on the Wii all day
#4: Show people the Wii
#5: I forgot


Amelia Antwiler said…
nuthin' wrong with the wii. *LOL*
Dapoppins said…
You all got way more snow than we did in the Vancouver area!
Michelle Alley said…
Your blog looks great! That weather sounds crazy, especially for your area! We are covered in snow, but we're closer to the North Pole! Our snow here is often dry, I love those snowmen your boys made - perfect for rolling!

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