Time Out

When our kids hurt their brothers or partake in various other misbehaviours, they get put in Time Out. This involves standing in a specific corner in our house for a certain amount of time. Its very rare that they are willing to just stand there and wait. Usually they will incessantly ask how much time they have left. When I get tired of answering this question I usually have them count to a certain number based on their counting ability. For the older ones it will be 100 or 150, etc. For the youngest it would be ten or so.
Last night #4 aka K was in time out. He kept asking the usual questions. Finally I told him to count to 20. He threw a fit. (He took longer throwing the fit than it would have taken to just count to 20.) Then he said with a little snarl on his face...
How come we can't just count to zero!


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