Impending DOOM...

We are planning a camping trip soon to visit Mt. St. Helens. I love the great outdoors, but I will admit a certain aversion to sleeping on the ground. Our compromise was to reserve a yurt for our camping experience. Call me a wuss if you want, I can take it, as long as I get to sleep on a futon instead of the cold, hard ground.
Yurting will give us the benefits of camping (cooking our food over a fire or in a dutch oven, a nice outdoorsy environment, and time together as a family) without some of the things I dislike about camping (setting up the tent-which isn't nearly as bad as taking it down, and the aforementioned sleeping on the ground). The yurt also has one outlet and a lamp. The boys have already asked to take a TV/VCR along, and I already vetoed the idea. We will take a small CD player so that we can listen to Harry Potter 7 on CD before bed. Other than that all technology is out (and if you have been reading this blog for long you will know that my boys have a big addiction to the computer and to most things technology related. This vacation is going to be great for family bonding.)
D (my husband for those of you new to reading this blog) has a tendency to get excited about things, and he likes to share that excitement with others. He is very excited to go and see the North side of Mt. St. Helens (which he has never seen before-at least not up close) and to take the boys to see the Ape Caves on the south side as well. In his excitement he borrowed a DVD about Mt. St Helens from a co-worker and we spent an evening last week watching it together as a family. Of course the DVD was mostly about Mt. St. Helens as a volcano and showed a lot of footage of the big eruptions that took place in 1980. I knew right away that watching this was going to be a mistake. Now I have to live with constant questions about whether or not we will survive our vacation. At the grocery store yesterday #5 (who just turned four) told me that he doesn't want to go to a volcano because of the lava. Hopefully we will all survive the trip!

On another note, I was very surprised to be tagged by Scribbit for a Creative/Thoughtful Blogger Award. I can't say that I totally agree with her description of me, but I am flattered just the same. Accepting an award is the easy part, its choosing from so many great blogs to pass it on to that is hard.

I will start out with Kim over at Temporary? Insanity. She is a wonderful person who is kind, compassionate and just an all around great friend to have.
Carrot over at Carrot Jello is responsible for bringing many family members into blogging, resulting in an even higher number of quality blogs to read.
Millie over at What On Earth Is That Smell is great at answering comments and is known to have a playlist that can keep people on her blog listening for hours.
Emma Sometimes over at Fueled by Coffee is great at helping her blogging buddies with their templates. Her blog always makes me laugh, think, or both.
Sarah over at Hollywood Flakes always has a story to tell and she always tells it in a fun way.
I would love to award something to every blog I read, they are all certainly deserving. Unfortunately I think my limit is five.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for your comment and yes, I too have feelings of trepidation when it comes to camping, possibly for similar reasons.
Thanks for the new blogs to check out too.
Sarah said…
A yurt?! That's awesome! Somehow an A-frame would be wussing out but a yurt just has an exotic sound to it. I fully support your decision to bypass technology except for the HP tapes. I think the books are WAY better on tape (is it that Dale guy reading?) since you get to hear all the great accents.

Thanks for the creative blogger tag! Most of my creativity in blogging comes from finding creative ways to entertain my kids while I neglect them to post. Oh well.
Millie said…
Thank you so much for the award! My playlist and I are flattered. :)

"Yurt" reminds me of "yogurt" without the "og" in it - and if that isn't an intelligent thought, I don't know what is.
Jenn said…
Can't wait to meet you!

Thank you for such sweet words...