Sometimes Moms just need some time alone...

Its true...we all know it. Whether that time is five minutes of uninterrupted peace in the bathroom (haha, that never happens here), a trip to the grocery store sans children, or any other kind of escape, we all have times when we need to be alone, or at least without the kids.

I must verbalize my wishes for alone time too often.

There is a house for sale right next door to our church, and as we walked past it today #3 said that we should buy that house. "Then when you need to be by yourself Dad can bring all of us here."

Now I feel like a bad Mom. My alone time usually consists of going to the grocery store once or twice a week. I did make an overnight escape to hang out with my Mom and Sisters a few weeks ago, and I have to say that doing that once a year just doesn't seem like enough! I hope my kids don't think that alone time is all I think about.


Amelia Antwiler said…
sometimes moms definitely need time alone. ;-) I love the idea of having an empty house to go play in. Wouldn't that be fun??
Sarah said…
Come on now, you have to admit the idea has some merit...
Tori :) said…
When your kids are grown they'll understand the whole need for "alone time." I think a 2nd house is an awesome idea!!
Anonymous said…
Frankly, your #3 sounds like a genius to me.
Jenn said…
Don't kids have their alone time? Don't feel life is not your kids. When they leave the house, you will have just you and hubby. Alone time means you won't be a burned out martyr mom. How can you serve your family like that?

I could make a GINORMOUS post about this...hehe.
Sketchy said…
Awww - I'm sure your entire life teaches them how important they are in your life.
Acacia said…
How funny! I just started a new blog here at Blogger (problems over at MSN putting pictures on the site, for one thing)called "Five Minutes To Myself" for all the reasons you mentioned! I also could have called it "Get out of my Purse" or "Put that down" or "Stop hitting your brother" or "Church shoes, not Sandals" or...
Looks like you and I are gonna be great friends.

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