You know you're a successful parent when...

They can sing the entire Gilligan's Island theme song, enthusiastically. #4 prefers to sing it in the bathroom, although he has been heard singing it in other areas in the house. If I had a recording of it, I would post it. Of course I thought everyone would love the clip of #4 singing Weird Al's The Saga Begins, but no one commented about it. Maybe everyone missed that post...or maybe I was just wrong about the cuteness factor. I have been known to be a bit biased about my own children after all.
Gilligan's Island is a new addition to our DVD collection. Fred Meyer was selling it for $14.99 per season, and I couldn't pass that up, so we picked up the first season. Its in black and white, but the boys don't seem to mind. I find it interesting the things they pick up on. #1 (who just turned 10) for instance says that he loves everything about Gilligan's Island except for Ginger. He doesn't like that she is always getting close to and trying to kiss the men on the show. Her feminine wiles make him uncomfortable. Luckily Gilligan usually bonks his head on something, or has some other accident that causes him to narrowly escape Ginger's clutches.
I know that compared to some of today's riveting and realistic TV, Gilligan's Island might seem foolish and trite, but I am just happy to share something that I enjoyed as a child with my boys, and to know that I don't have to worry about a lot of innuendos (aside from Ginger's flirting) or inappropriate content, and even better...there is not a swear word to be heard! I say, long live Gilligan!


Millie said…
That Ginger was so smarmy. Her feminine wiles make me uncomfortable too. She's so.... gross.

I will now go check out the Weird Al post.

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